Es muss nicht immer Linux sein: BSD
When | 27.10.2015, 19:00 |
Where | A111 |
Who | AHeidenreich |
- grundsätzliche Unterschiede und Gemeinsamkeiten von Linux (und anderen
Unixen) und BSD
- Updatemechanismen (Binär und Source)
- Paketmanagement (Binärpakete)
- Ports-System
- Netzwerken (Grundkonfiguration, Filtersysteme etc)
- Virtualisierung (Jails, Bhyve und Drittanbieter)
Introduction to Latex
When | 20.10.2015, 18:30 |
Where | A111 |
Who | MSaalfrank |
Target Audience | Latex/Tex Newbies |
Latex is a system to layout documents in professional quality. It's not a WYSIWIG Editor like word, but a markup language. The Talk should introduce to the basics of Latex, show how to create simple documents and point to further techniques.
Web Application Development inside Browser using Metadata
When | 28.04.2015, 18:30 |
Where | A111 |
Who | Ditmar |
How to create within one hour a web application from scratch, prepared for multiple languages and including data storage, statistics, change managment, search and online help, access control, input validation, ...
Payload Creation for Windows
When | 21.04.2015, 18:00 |
Where | A111 |
Who | Martin |
How to build a executable including a remote control tool for windows systems using Metasploit.
Indexing Big Data
When | 07.04.2015, 18:00 |
Where | A111 |
Who | Ditmar |
How to index and work efficient with big amounts of data (big as in TB/PB) on low budget hardware.
Tor and the deep web
When | 31.03.2015, 18:00 |
Where | A111 |
Who | Alex |
What we've always wanted to know about anonymous internet access, but never dared to ask.